Banner Stands – A Cost-Effective Advertising Strategy to Promote Your Business

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Banner stands are lightweight, durable, portable and a cost-effective way to advertise your product or company. They are mostly used for promoting brands, products and services.

Banner Stands are used for indoor and outdoor use to connect with the targeted audience. They are useful for displaying large format freestanding graphics. They are the best choice when portability is a key consideration, such as at trade shows, seminars, and presentations. Banner Stands are also a good idea if you want to move them around within your business environment. You can use them for storefront displays to showcase a new product or special offer.

At New York Banner Stands, we offer 4 different Banner Stands:

Retractable Banner Stands



This 33″ wide banner display stand is lightweight and portable. When not in use, your Banner is stored inside the anodized aluminum casing which fits easily into the travel bag.



x frame


This wide Banner display stand features a sleek design with three size options. Banners are placed on X-Frame stands by its 4 grommet hooks.







The A-Frame stands are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. These stands are perfect for the lobby, trade show, convention, office, business, and shop to display your message.






Telescopic Stands (AVAILABLE IN CA ONLY)



The Telescopic Stand has an easy 5 Minute setup and is lightweight. This stand is perfect for your displaying Step and Repeat banners.




Banner stands are a convenient way to display your large format printed messages easily. Banner Stands are convenient to use at trade shows, events, store fronts, lobbies, conventions, offices, businesses, red carpet events, and many other locations.

For more information, Call: 1-800-516-7606

Banner Stand ideas for your party

There are several activities that go into making a party successful. Displaying happy and congratulatory messages and creating a suitable  background for small performances takes a lot of time.

Often times raw materials such as sheets and frames are hard to move around. Creating a mini performance and photo-op area should be easy and quick.

Banner Stand ideas for your party

Banner Stand ideas for your party

Banner Stands-Fit into available space

With NewYork Banner Stand’s flexible designs and banner sizes, there is a banner stand for every party, at home or at a special venue. The stands come in lightweight options with padded cases for easy portability. Most banner stands take seconds to set up. During the party, if you would like to create more space, fold the banner almost instantly and stow it away.

No nails or screws spoiling your décor

You do not want your home or office getting a pockmarked look after a party. Nails and screws to display large messages could result in time consuming and sometimes expensive repairs. Setting up of home made or improvised displays take time and may not turn out as beautiful as you intend your party to be.

Banner stands will not even scratch your interiors and can be positioned in any available space given the range of catchy options. As a bonus, you can quickly change messages during your party, according to the mood of your guests.

Create a Mini Performance area

A banner stand carefully chosen can set-up a mini stage for your party, where your friends and dear ones will love to perform or speak from. It gives your party symmetry and a centre stage without spending much time, effort and money.

NewYork Banner Stands help you focus on your friends and the real things that make party fun. For Messaging, displays and backgrounds for a party of any size, you can depend on NewYork Banner Stands  unique designs and range of sizes. Know more at: