Medium Hard Case – Stretch Fabric Graphic Wrap (Graphic Only)


Product Overview:
Optimize your black Medium Hard Case with a graphic wrap! Selecting this item will give you the stretch fabric graphic wrap that you need to dress up your case, helping you to proudly display it as a podium. So, get the most use out of your investment instead of trying to store it behind another display until the event is over.

Because of the fabric nature of this wrap, the finishing is created like a pillowcase in which you will slip the graphic completely over the lid and body and pull down toward the floor; elastic lines the inside of the hem around the bottom, holding the graphic in place. For the top oval portion, choose white, black or printed graphic.

Please note: By choosing the stretch fabric graphic wrap, you will not be able to access the inside of the case once it is in place.

Need to access the inside of your case and you want a graphic wrap? No problem! Try the graphic wrap made out of PVC or Laminated Display Film.

Template Size:
62.375″W x 32.25″H

Graphic Turnaround Time:
2 Business Days

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