How Print Media is Beneficial For Advertising Your Business?

printmediaNow a days though online media is used widely, print ads help businesses reach more customers faster and more effectively.  Direct mail advertisements can draw a large volume of targeted audience that helps promote your products and services.

Here are four ways printed materials can influence your target audience.

1. Print Reaches a Wide Audience

Most of the consumers go to new businesses after receiving direct-mail advertisements. Along those same lines, print ads generally outperform email ads by 10 to 30 times. If you want to reach the largest possible audience, use print materials to impact more customers.

2. Print Guarantees Memorable Products

When people get print advertisements, they stand out and make a stronger impression making them remember a company’s name with the logo on it. The ability to see, touch, and feel a piece of marketing creates an experience most people remember. Use printed marketing materials to help your customers or clients remember your business and return after a positive customer experience.

3. Print Reinforces Brand Loyalty

As a business owner, you are just as concerned about keeping customers as you are about gaining new customers. Loyal customers help sustain your business and will refer others to your business. Print materials can go a long way towards helping you build a loyal customer base. Loyalty cards are one way you can use print materials to promote brand loyalty.

4. Print Generates Sales

Most businesses use a variety of marketing methods such as television, digital media to help increase business sales. But print materials still deliver the highest return on investment of all major marketing mediums. No matter what type of business you own, you can benefit from printed marketing materials.

Thus know the power of the print advertising and invest in printed marketing materials.
Contact New York Banner Stands for all your printing needs.

Common Uses of Retractable Banners


Carrying around and using large banners and signs is not an easy task, especially when you’re on your own in a crowded venue. That’s why New York Banner Stands offers a portable, retractable banner to solve your on-the-go presenting needs. These easy-to-carry marketing tools will give you an advantage in a variety of business environments.

Whether you’re presenting at a conference, tradeshow, convention, or private meeting, using a retractable banner effectively can help you succeed in putting your brand’s best foot forward.

Here is a list of common settings in which you can use a retractable banners.

Retractable banners are the perfect visual tool. Banners can emphasize specific products or services, as well as displaying company logos and slogans. For maximum impact, set up the banner in front of your booth and angle it in the direction of the heaviest flow of foot traffic for catching attention.


If you’re looking to enhance the conference you’re hosting then a retractable banner will do the trick. Use these banners to promote prominent speakers, emphasize key points, and indicate areas of the venue that are in use.


Are you looking for a simple way to enhance your next event at home or work? Events that happen frequently with consistent signage can benefit from using retractable banners. If you’re hosting an annual holiday party, retractable banners can invite holiday cheer with large, festive images.

Product Launches:

Whatever your new product may be, using a retractable banner to announce your product will help you while launching product. Retractable banners can add prominence at flagship stores, conferences, or mall displays.

Therefore, Retractable banners are perfect for bringing your business or organization professionalism and flexibility.

Connect with us for your printing needs. Call: 1-800-516-7606

Adhesive Window Perf Printing


Perforated window printing is an effective way for promotional activities. In this glass doors and windows are used for promotion. It is mainly useful for vehicles and shopfronts.

Adhesive Window Perf is a white perforated film with a black adhesive backing. It has perforated 50% printable area and 50% open area. It offers graphics on one side and a clear, unobstructed view from the other side. Window Perf is perfect for advertising on vehicle windows and storefront windows.

It is an adhesive-backed, perforated synthetic substrate with full color printing on one side. It is designed to let you put your printed message on a window visible from the outside but still be able to see out from the inside. You can use it on architectural glass and side or rear automotive windows.

Maximum Size: 52″ High X 160′ Wide
Contour Cut Maximum Size: 4′ x 6′
Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Printed on one side only.
Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Waterproof and UV safe that will last for years

Marketing Tips

Window Perf is designed to let you put your printed message on a window visible from the outside but still be able to see out from the inside. You can use it on architectural glass or automotive glass. Your advertising doesn’t have to block your view to get the message out.

Explanation of Turnaround Time:

Turnaround time begins when the proof is approved. All times are based on normal business days, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Please note this does not include shipping time.

For more information, please visit:
Or Call us at: 1-800-516-7606

Why Print Media?

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There’s no doubt that the world today is defined by information. Whether it’s news, opinions, interviews or advertising, written, spoken or in filmed, it’s information (and marketing content) that provides the direction and structure to our lives. Print media (magazines, newspapers, etc.) is one of the vital components of any advertising campaign.

We distinguish between six different types of print media for brands: advertising in newspapers and magazines, use of direct mail, customer magazines, door drop and catalogs.
Now we will see Why Print Media is Important for Products & Services Brands?

1. Print – The Sensory Media Experience

The most important benefit of print media is tangibility. Among the reasons why many people prefer print is to do with the feel of the paper, having it in their hands means that the content is real, it exists. Print media can add multiple senses that increases effectiveness of print advertising.

2. Whatever Print Channel, Add print, Add power

In many ways, print is the ideal marketing medium: it’s available in both large and small numbers, can be accessed easily, and is engaging, versatile and creative. Each of the six types of print media mentioned above has their own unique quality and role in their readers’ lives.

3. Creating Engagement

The key to successful marketing is engagement, drawing customers’ attention by unique content before rewarding them with any offer or service. Print media are a trusted source for news and other information and consumers take time to read a door drop leaflet, magazine or customer magazine.

4. Talking To One Or Many

Print media exists from mass media (hundreds to millions of copies) to one-to-one (the personalised version). There are formats such as the personalized newspaper or magazine – titles that have content tailored to the specific reader. This personalisation adds to the effectiveness of the print media.

5. Digging Deeper With Print

The difference between presenting information through print media and on screen is that readers of print maintain their capacity to read longer articles since it doesn’t offer so many distractions. Readers have full attention for the content. This helps them to remember the content better.

These are some of the points that tells the importance of print media for successful marketing campaign.
Connect with us for all your printing needs.
Visit: Or Call: 1-800-516-7606

7 Ways For Effectively Advertising Business With Custom Wall Graphics

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Wall graphics are not just wallpapers that decorate your office space, it is a lot more useful than that! It is an effective advertising tool that draws your customers’ attention. How? Check below.
Seven ways how wall graphics connect you with your customers.

1. Creates the Ideal Atmosphere

It helps customers to associate the right feeling at the right place. For example, if customers are in a gym, seeing graphics that show people doing sports help them to get into a sportive mood quickly.

2. Delights Customers With a Refreshment

For businesses who have been using the same space for a long time, adding a new wall graphic can delight your customer. They will certainly be excited with your new wall graphic making them feel like they are visiting a new place.

3. Unique and Impressive Servicescape

Wall graphics are a type of unique and impressive visual presentation. They have capacity to create a compelling and memorable impression. They can help your customers and visitors remember you even when they are away for a while.

4. Tells Your Customers What You Are About

Wall graphics can instantly show your customers what kind of business you are in, what you are selling, and what services you are offering at a glance.

5. Make A Statement

Wall graphics help make a strong statement about who you are and what values and culture your company represent. They are also an effective way to spread any message you want as it is a significant visual communication.

6. Inevitably Eye-Catching

What’s magical about wall graphics is that people cannot resist looking at it. If you have an impressive wall graphic, you have everyone’s attention. Passersby get attracted to it and they can potentially become your new customers.

7. Drives Impulse Sales

For any business, adding point of sale displays in a wall graphic can definitely increase impulse purchase. This is because your attractive wall graphic helps to effectively communicate why your product is something that your customers should buy.

At New York Banner Stands, we provide custom wall graphics for your needs.
Please visit:

Highlight Your Business with Trade Show Displays

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Exhibiting at trade shows is all about getting your company in front of potential customers. The best way to do so is to use a custom trade show booth. With the right display, you can instantly demonstrate the uniqueness of your business. When people see your uniqueness, attendees will be more likely to enter your booth and speak with your sales team. Here are a few ways in which your trade show display can be used to highlight your business at a trade show.

Trade show displays allow you to demonstrate innovation:

Surveys of trade shows reveal that more than 90 percent of people at a trade show want to learn about new products of the company and the most innovative new ideas in the industry. People come to trade shows wanting and expecting to be impressed by the ingenuity, creativity, and advancement taking place in their field.

Trade show displays allow you to showcase new products and services:

Demonstrating your company’s ability to innovate includes showcasing your newest products and services. This is, in fact, one of the most common uses of trade show displays. In order to help your products and services stand out, you should consider building displays that take an eye-catching approach to showing off your products.

Trade show displays allow you to show off your company’s unique qualities:

There are many competitors trying for the attention of potential customers. The only way to win at this competition is to show off what makes your company different than the other companies in your field. You should be able to demonstrate the uniqueness of your business by combining right features into a display.

Trade show displays can reach new customers:

One of the reasons that trade shows are still an important aspect of many industries is because they offer businesses an entirely unique way to connect with potential customers. Clearly, trade show displays are critical for effective lead generation at a trade show. Your custom trade show booth can help you to connect with a new pool of customers.

Trade show displays allow you to educate your audience:

Finally, a custom trade show booth can help you to educate your audience. One of the reasons that attendees come to a trade show is to learn more about their industry and to get ideas for their own businesses. Your custom trade show booth is an ideal place to educate your audience at a trade show. You will be more likely to enjoy a profitable time at your next trade show.

Visit to know more:

Communicate Your Messages with Custom Floor Graphics

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Floor graphics are the perfect way to create a one-of-a-kind, attention-grabbing advertisement. They provide business owners with a relatively affordable way to promote their brand while being unique and fun. When people are walking, it is natural to look down. Therefore, when a shopper’s eye catches something unusual on the floor, they will look right at what they are stepping on, giving your business the exposure it desires.

Floor Graphics are available for either short term or long term use. They withstand wear from heavy foot traffic while remaining easily removable.

Maximum Size: 48″ High X 100′ Wide
Contour Cut Maximum Size: 43″ x 6′
Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Printed on one side only.
Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Waterproof and UV safe that will last for years.

Explanation of Turnaround Time:

Turnaround time begins when the proof is approved. All times are based on normal business days, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Please note this does not include shipping time.

Marketing Tips:

Floor Graphics are a great solution to turn your floors into advertising space. Put them up as temporary signage. Rather than banners that need to be hung or supported by stakes, Floor Graphics stick to any flat surface. They are also designed with a silver backing that blocks out any underlying images, so they are great idea for updating your brand, logo, or name, and you can use them temporarily over your permanent signage.
For more information, visit:
OR call: 1-800-516-7606

New Trends in Print Media Advertising


In today’s progressively soaring digital world the print media advertising is still in the picture for a lot of marketers. Not just that readers have a habit of focusing more fixedly on the print advertisements, but they consider print media advertisement a more reliable and relevant when they have been reading the publications they believe in regularly.

As moving ahead, let’s take a look at a few top trends to espouse in the domain of print advertising.

Innate advertising ascends:

The Native advertising is a content-driven methodology that suits the form and functions of the platform on which it appears. Usually, it is connected with online media but this kind of advertisement has fully launched in print. You should always bear in mind that to aim it right develop content that’s useful to your readers and is extracted from a reliable source.

User Experience For Print Ads Is Important:

The user’s experience being at the center of the design, print ads are becoming more creative in capturing and holding users’ attention. With a lot of information to convey grabbing and sustaining the attention is essential. Stimulate the readers’ interest by being ultra-specific about the information you are offering.

Story-driven advertising matters:

Storytelling and user experience goes hand in hand. More and more businesses are shifting their gears from traditional print advertising to neatly designed storytelling that captures the readers’ interest. Ultimately, it will be a successful advertising campaign that not only support your brand but also resonates with the end readers, compelling them feel as they are part of the story.

Do not ignore the targeted placement:

In the earlier times business uses to blast readers by thoughtlessly placing content – assuming that it is going to generate more return on your investment. Personalization will go more explicit in 2016, with companies looking for opportunities to display their ads in publications, editorial sections and local as well as regional circulations.

The objective of above print advertising trends is serving customers. By understanding, targeting and engaging with them in an appropriate manner, any business can make the most from their print media advertisement strategy.

At NYBS, we provide solution for all your printing needs.
Call: 1-800-516-7606

How to Create Best Visual Impact With Custom Banner Printing?

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One of the best ways to get attention to your business or special event is using banners. These banners should be designed in such a way that they can create best visual impact on potential customers. Here are 5 tips to design the best custom banner that will attract attention for your business, event, or project.

1. Selecting the Correct Size of Banner:

Custom banners come in all sizes. This is extremely important to make sure that you pick a size that will be visible from the distance that you want it to be seen. The size is crucial to ensuring that your sign is effective. If customers can’t see it, the message on your banner will not be seen!

2. Putting Appropriate Text:

When you begin creating your custom sign, think about the setting of where you will display it. This will help for determining text and colors that you will use in your sign. Make your banner more eye-catching and appealing by putting necessary information along with your contact information.

3. Fonts and Color:

There are literally millions of fonts to choose from. If you want to make sure that your sign can be read by all, choose thick fonts that can be seen from a distance. If your sign is going to be seen closer, it may be okay to choose a more intricate font. This will help to make your message stand out.

4. Color and Background:

Choosing a single color scheme can also help give your custom banner a more professional look. Bright colors will draw attention to your sign, but make sure that they are not distracting or difficult to read. When you choose a background for your sign, make sure that it does not distract from the text.

5. Finishing:

This is the last and one of most important parts of creating a successful banner. Even a properly sized and expertly designed banner will be ineffective if the banner is poorly displayed. Material wrinkles in the banner, incorrect mounting hardware or a banner mounted crooked, can all take away from the banner message and reflect poorly on the business.

At New York Banner Stands, a variety of banners with various sizes are available.
Call us today: 1-800-516-7606

Illuminate Screen From Behind With Backlit Film


Backlit Film is designed to slide into a frame or between sheets of clear plastic or glass. At New York Banner Stands, we use 10 mil heavy-duty translucent film for best quality. High quality matte finish minimizes glare and allows for best high-resolution displays. The printable side of the film has an excellent white point to provide vivid color printing. Perfect for airport signs, movie theater boxes, menu displays, bus stops, backlit exhibits, and window presentations.

When backlit, this product is highly visible at night. It is also vibrant during the day when illumination is turned off.

 Maximum Size: 59″ High X 160′ Wide
 Double layer printed at 1440 x 720 Resolution
 Print on one side only
 UV safe that will last for years

Marketing Tips

Typically used for backlit movie theater boxes, at bus stops, airports, and for menu displays, Backlit Film is a way to draw attention to to your message. Backlit Film can easily be placed in and removed from displays, so it is easy to change graphics. It is also fairly weatherproof, so it is durable and sturdy enough for long term use.

Visit to know more:
Or Call: 1-800-516-7606

Custom Printed Roll Labels

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Roll Labels are an easy way to add a unique design to help establish your brand and clearly state what a product is. They can be used as packaging labels or for events.

Roll Labels are printed in full color on the front side of adhesive-backed synthetic stock and mounted on a roll of carrier material with easy release. They are available in circle, oval, square and rectangle with rounded corners, and can be printed on either indoor or outdoor stocks. Since they come on a roll, Roll Labels take up little storage and shipping space.

The most common order options are rectangles with rounded corners in a size to meet the need of your message on White Vinyl (outdoor use). They are printed in full color on the front (4/0).

Marketing Tips

Custom printed roll labels keep your message sticking around and are perfect for virtually any promotion or event.
Roll labels are great for customizing any otherwise generic item. Labels are also a helpful organizational and advertising tool. Use our labels to tell your customers what a product is, how to use it, or why they want it.
Additionally, Roll Labels make great stickers for people to buy as souvenirs or to show off their interests.

New York Banner Stands is the solution for your printing needs. Give us a call on: 1-800-516-7606

Table Tents – Great Product for Promoting Your Business, Product or Event


Table tents are one of the most flexible marketing tools. They not only function as advertising materials but are also great table decors.
Table tents are often placed in locations like the reception or waiting areas of an office or store. You can use them to showcase your products or any special discounts. So that they are exposed to repeated viewing by customers. These are usually used by hotels, restaurants and other establishments to highlight their events.
You can also use them for promotional purposes. They work well as desk calendars.
Table Tents are printed on one side only. They have 3 die scores and 2 die slits to create an easy interlocking system. Even-though the Table Tents are shipped flat they are quick and easy to assemble to form a 2-sided tent shaped marketing piece.

The commonly used size is the 4″ x 6″ option printed on your choice of our 5 different cover stock options. We offer uncoated, gloss, matte, and high gloss UV options. The UV option adds a water-resistant coating for extra longevity.

Table Tents are used for more than restaurant upsells. They are a powerful tool to sell when you are not able to be there, attract repeat business, promote new products or services, and for special events.

Call to know more: 1-800-516-7606

GatorFoam – An Excellent Tool For Marketing Your Business


Every business owner desires to have crowd pleasing promotions and products for their business utilizing effective and inexpensive tools.

If you are looking to propel your company to the next level by increasing your brand awareness, advertising new products or minimizing your customer acquisition cost, it is important to look for new marketing materials/options. To this end, there is one printing technique that is frequently used in almost every industry, which is called as GatorFoam boards.

GatorFoam boards are lightweight and easily cut materials used for the mounting of photographic prints, as backing of picture framing, in 3D design, and more. Some of the most common uses of foam board are in making signs, backing surfaces, support for posters and displays, photographic mounting, dimensional lettering, vinyl lettering, display production and many more uses.

GatorFoam boards are a great marketing tool for advertising. They are generally inexpensive and can be easily re-positioned to wherever they would best suit the needs of your company at that moment.

We at New York Banner Stands provide high quality GatorFoam boards for your presentation purposes or to display as a marketing tool. This unique material offers long time durability at an affordable price. The board can be reused for several occasions or placed in storage for longer periods of time than traditional foam boards. Our high resolution printing tools will ensure your image stands out and the color will not bleed. There are a variety of different size and style options to suit your needs.

Explore more at:
Or Call: 1-800-516-7606

Promote Your Business with Portable Custom Car Magnets


Magnetic signs are very popular as they promote your brand while you’re driving around. Place magnets on your car or truck to transform your vehicle into a mobile billboard. Personalize each one with your company’s logo and name, ensuring potential customers get your message when you zoom by them on the street. Make a huge impression for a low cost.

The high-strength magnet backing keeps the sign firmly affixed to the side or back of your vehicle, ensuring you don’t lose it in transit.
Customers requesting these popular vehicle signs include residential clients, landscapers, real estate agents, insurance professionals, pizza delivery clerks, surveyors just to name a few.

These signs deliver a powerful message and can be removed or shared among several vehicles. This feature and the relatively inexpensive cost of these effective advertisements are what makes magnetic custom car signs so popular.

At New York Banner Stands, we offer car door magnets that use a durable 30 mil material. These magnets come in many different sizes with the maximum size being 24 inches high by 60 inches wide. Each magnet is printed with high quality 720 x 720 resolution so as to make your image or statement stand out while driving down the road. Available in either gloss or matte finish, these magnets are durable and reusable so you get the greatest amount of advertising for your money.

For more information, visit:
Or Contact Us at: 1-800-516-7606

Illuminated Signage & Light Box Signs


Outdoor Light Signs Enhance Your Advertising & Marketing Message!
Custom illuminated signage provides some of the most eye-catching and sophisticated options available in the industry. Outdoor light box signs easily identify your organization, promotion or services. An illuminated sign will attract traffic and bring them inside your store or business. Industries and businesses of all types, from fuel stations to department stores, use custom Illuminated signs. Custom illuminated signs have a great impact and provide effective advertising day and night.

Interior Illuminated signs are of great benefit for your business when used in airports, malls, and office buildings. They are particularly effective when used for directory signs and advertisements.

outdoor signs

Stand out with illumination with Outdoor Lightboxes for your exterior office signage and architectural lettering.
Lightboxes enhance a business’ directory and way-finding signage making your business easier to find at night. Light boxes and illuminated signage increase visibility of your premises. The wide variety of lightboxes with eye-catching lighting effects can improve the perception of your brand. Outdoor lightboxes are the perfect advertising and branding solutions for all types of business including: Government, manufacturing, property managers, restaurants and retail.
Nothing makes more of an impact than illuminated signs, both day and night!

At New York Banner Stands, we offer online printing solutions for a variety of products.
For details, please visit: Or Call: 1-800-516-7606

Types of Signage Useful for Retail Business

Signs get human beings organized through direction and education. How many new customers will enter your store this year and be unable to find what they’re looking for? What signs are ideal for your retail establishment? Check below:

Directional Signs:

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As the name implies, directional signs point customers to your place of business. Directional signs are large and attract attention through color and simplicity.

Departmental Signs:

directional signs








Departmental signs categorize types of goods that you sell and are more specific than directional signs. Departmental signs are located inside the business, are usually located above the product, and are highly visible to customers.

Marketing Signs:

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Marketing signs such as A-frame signs can be set up and taken down quickly, so they are ideal for advertising special deals for the week or month. Marketing signs attract customers to displays, so they should be colorful and easily transported.

Information Signs:

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An information sign is a very legibly printed and very noticeable placard that informs people of the purpose of an object or product. They describe the product for the consumer. It gives information about what exactly the product, how to use the product, etc.
These are mainly four types of Signs that can be used in retail.

For more information, visit: Or call at: 1-800-516-7606

Benefits of Posters for Business Advertising

Posters provide a logical and cost-effective way of communicating to a particular target market. When placed correctly, attractive posters can lure nearby people into a specific event and alert them of an upcoming product or service. Posters have the ability to stick in viewers’ minds and can be a great tool for small- to medium-sized businesses to use to increase brand awareness. Posters are cheaper than common forms of advertising such as print, radio and television.

Checkout some benefits of Posters:


Active Response

People who are viewing posters are already actively engaging in their surroundings. A clever poster will have a call-to-action phrase that propels the viewer to take action as soon as possible. This could be in the form of making a phone call, visiting a shop or navigating to a website.


You can hang multiple posters in one location to increase brand visibility. It’s quite normal to see entire rows of the same poster lining the side of a street or subway. Bombarding people with imagery will ensure the message is going to sit in their heads long after they have viewed the poster.

Strategic Location

The biggest advantage of using posters is that they can be put just about anywhere and seen by almost anyone. Posters can be strategically located to target a particular market sector. For example, take-out restaurants might prefer to situate posters near busy bus stops or train terminals to target hungry commuters.

At New York Banner Stands, we offer online printing solutions for posters, banners, signs, signage and many other products.

For details, please visit:

Advantages of Billboards as an Advertising Tool


Businesses often look to find new ways to advertise and promote their products and services. Effective advertising methods vary among different types of businesses and industries, so there’s not just one right way. To find out if billboard advertising is right for your business, check out the following points.

People will See It

Since billboards are generally placed along highways and busy streets, you’ll be guaranteed that people will see your advertising. Another added benefit is that many people travel the same route repeatedly, such as with their commute to work each day. This means that they’ll see your billboard regularly, which makes it more likely to stick in their minds.

Customized Placement

You can place your billboard advertisement wherever you feel it will have the most impact. This can be a big advantage when you have a business you want to draw traffic to right off a particular highway exit, or you have a showroom just down the road. You can also use billboards in areas where reaching people is difficult.

Messages Must Be Brief

According to Marketing Scoop, on average, a person will see your billboard for about two to three seconds. Thus your messages must be short & more images should be added. Also, billboards are often seen by people driving by making it difficult for them to read. Therefore, any text written on the billboard must be large enough for them to read easily.

Connect to New York Banner Stands for your printing needs. Give a call on: 1-800-516-7606

Uses of Different Types of Banner Stands


New York Banner Stands produces some of the best banner stands in the industry that will meet your requirements and budget. Banner stands are mostly used indoors during trade shows, in hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, museums and during special events. In some cases, they can be positioned outside for some time.

NYBS uses the latest printing technologies & deliver custom banner stands. You will receive the highest quality product that are elegant and reliable. Freestanding banners can be retractable or solid. Retractable banner stands have the benefit of reusing the stand. You can purchase multiple banners and rotate them as needed by using the same stand.

Our custom banner stands are very effective for product advertising. No trade show participant goes without them. Custom banner stands can be used individually or as a composition of several standing banners. Standing banners send a powerful marketing message. They are lightweight and easy to transport and reuse. Overall, banner stands are a beautiful and practical advertising solution that any business can benefit from.

NYBS offers a wide range of banner stands, you can choose as per your business needs.

Kindly visit:

or Call us at 1-800-516-7606 for more information.

Draw Attention to Your Business with Custom Printed Flags


Custom printed flags are the perfect solution for business to draw attention of more and more customers, promote an event or as a general promotional and branding tool. These vibrant flags are move in the wind to grab the viewers’ attention. Printed flags are extremely versatile, durable and easy to transport and can be used indoors or outdoors. Whether it is a grand opening, a sale, an open house, or letting customers know that you are open; flags are the product for you!

New York Banner Stands offers custom printed flags to meet the ever changing needs of your business and tailor your marketing to the right customers. Flags are inexpensive and can make a big statement when displayed in the right place.

economy flag economy flags


New York Banner Stands sells custom flags that come in a variety of different sizes and styles. From the Econo Feather Flag that is 16 feet tall to a small Feather Convex Flag that is nine feet tall, we have various types of flags that will meet your demands.

Our flags our durable so you can be sure they will last a long time and they are inexpensive advertising tools. Other types of flags we offer are Pole Flags, TearDrop Banners, Giant Flags, Feather Angled, and Feather Rectangles.

Contact: 1-800-516-7606     


Canvas Rolls – Best Way to Get Exactly What You Want Out of Your Canvas


Rolled canvas is the best way to get exactly what you want out of your canvas. When you stretch your own canvas, you are completely in control. Canvas rolls can be available in a huge variety of canvas textures, materials, finishes and sizes.

Rolled canvas is a necessity for any artist who stretches their own canvas, works large-scale or with non-standard sizes. Whatever you need when it comes to roll canvas can be found right here!
Canvas is often used to reproduce artwork. Whether photos or fine art, canvas will give you an authentic look. Canvas printing can be a great product for people to buy as souvenirs or art displays.

At NYBS, our canvas has semi-gloss finish, designed for long-term, fade-resistant fine art reproduction. The polyester/cotton blend canvas is specially coated for superior color quality.

Explanation of Turnaround Time:
Turnaround time begins when the proof is approved. All times are based on normal business days, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Please note this does not include shipping time.
For more information, click here:

Promote Your Business with Signicade A Frame Stands

Signicade A frame

The Signicade Deluxe is the ultimate solution for those that need quick change graphics. A-Frames are great way to advertise your business on a sidewalk and direct your customers to your storefront. You can attract attention to your business with A frame stands.

They are durable, affordable, and versatile enough for any business need. You can easily display a sign on each side of the stand. The molded handle provides easy portability. The frame can be filled with sand or water for greater stability. Most versatile outdoor A-frame signs on the market. It can be used for years with virtually no damage and will show very little wear from throwing around and carrying in and out on a daily basis. It is designed to be used outdoors. A-Frame is the perfect solution for sidewalk advertising.


At New York Banner Stands, we provide 4 mm white coroplast with permanent adhesive vinyl and also free protective matte lamination.

The heavy-duty plastic sandwich board has two recessed 24×36 inch recessed graphic areas on the front and back.
Coroplast mounted vinyl graphics slide easily into place for full color signage, swap out these rigid signboard inserts as often as you need.

For product details, please visit:



Yard Signs- Yard or Lawn Signs To Promote Your Upcoming Events


Yard Signs are effective marketing tools because they can be used indoors and outdoors, and are durable enough to be left in place for longer periods of time. Commonly used for real estate and political campaigns. Yard Signs are printed in full color on rigid 4mm corrugated plastic and are available in sizes ranging from 12″ x 12″ to 48″ x 46″. With printing on either one or both sides, Yard Signs can be oriented in landscape or portrait.

Utilize the vertical flutes (almost always a landscape orientation) to allow H-Wire and Beefy Stakes to be inserted into the bottom of the sign. Yard Signs can also be ordered with grommets for hanging either indoors or outdoors.


The most common order options are 24″ x 18″ on 4mm White Corrugated Plastic. Almost always, Yard Signs are printed in full color on both sides (4/4) and are supported by H-Wire stakes. To order additional Yard Sign Stakes, please check out our Yard Sign Stakes under Large Format. Custom Size: Available in custom sizes ranging from 12″x 12″ up to 48″ high x 46″ wide.

Marketing Tips

Yard Signs are effective for increasing awareness of a brand, company, or person in any setting. Because they are made from sturdy corrugated plastic, Yard Signs are ideal for outdoor applications. They resist the elements and don’t flop around like thinner materials. In addition to outdoor, Yard Signs are also often used for indoor applications. They are strong and light, and available with grommets in either 2 or 4 corners for easy hanging.

For more information: 1-800-516-7606

CD Inlays with Perf


CD Inlays slide into a CD case to provide an image or text in the front and back of the case that identifies what’s inside. They can be an artistic marketing tool or simply offer basic information about the CD. This is where you commonly find a band’s name and track list. The perforation provides a guide for accurate folding for the information that’s going to be displayed on the spine of the case.

The sort of information that is normally included on the CD Inlay is, the tack listing, the barcode, record label and distributor information & logos, contact details, copyright text and the catalog number.


The most common order options are 4.625″ x 5.9″ to fit in a standard CD case on 100# Gloss Text weight paper. Almost always, CD Inlays are printed in full color on both sides (4/4) and are coated AQ 2 Sides. Perforation is included.

 Marketing Tips

CD Inlays customize industry-standard plastic jewel cases to tailor the look and information people see when they pick up your CD or DVD. They are great for distributing content such as bands promoting their album, filmmakers passing around their latest project, or a business presentation.

Contact: 1-800-516-7606

Envelopes – Great Way For Business Communications



An envelope is a common packaging item, usually made of thin flat material. It is designed to contain a flat object, such as a letter or card. Envelopes are made from sheets of paper cut to one of three shapes: a rhombus, a short-arm cross, or a kite.

Envelopes are equally important as the materials contained within them. In fact, if your envelopes aren’t optimized to motivate customers to open them, your communications will literally be lost on your customers.

Envelopes are available in many different sizes, Envelopes can send a variety of materials. Any image or text can be printed anywhere on the Envelope, so long as there is room for addressing and postage.


The most common order options are #10 Regular Envelopes (9.5″ x 4.125″) on 24# Bond paper. To match the company letterhead, they are almost always printed in 1 or 2 colors, including a Pantone color, on one side (1/0, 2/0) and do not have coating. #10 Envelopes fit standard 8.5″ x 11″ letterhead folded in thirds. For orders with 4-Color printing, please check out our 4-Color Offset Envelopes.

Marketing Tips

Printed Envelopes are a great way to reinforce a company’s identity and create a clean, consistent impression. These are the professional touches that show high attention to detail and help you manage your brand consistently.

For more information: 1-800-516-7606

Custom Brochure Printing – A Powerful Marketing Tool

direct mailing

Utilizing custom brochures with direct mailing capabilities is a powerful marketing tool. Direct-mail brochures are available in variety of designs, so it can be difficult to decide which design makes it more creative work.
Custom brochure printing services provide you with vibrant high quality marketing material to showcase your business – however – what good is a great marketing brochure that doesn’t reach your target market? Our Brochures with mailing services enable you to connect directly with your target market in an easy, presentable and organized fashion. All brochure services are customized in color and fold pattern to represent your company, products, events and services specifically.


One of our most popular custom brochure printing services is the 8.5″ x 11″ (#100) Gloss Text paper. Measurements are notes before folded.
Custom printed brochures are generally printed in full color on both sides, creating four content-driven page folds and are coated AQ on 2 Sides. The most common folds are Tri-Folds, Z-Folds, and Half-Folds. Tri-Folds and Z-Folds give you 3 panels to display your information on each side. Half-Folds give you 2 panels on each side.
Brochure Direct mailing services can also successfully increase your business exposure and sales conversions by connecting you directly to your target market effectively.

Marketing Tips

They are an effective way of getting a vibrant reminder of your business – directly into the hands of target customers. Brochures allow customers to obtain a clear message and visual feel for products or services, while finding direct resources for more details. Direct marketing with custom brochure printing can increase your exposure and target market within the very first campaign.
Contact: 1-800-516-7606

Magazine, Brochure, Newpaper, Displays…

Organise your literature, magazines, periodicals, pamphlet with our literature  floor display stands. Keeping your literature tidy and visible will save space as well as give a very professional look. Standing floor displays, or magazine display stands, are popular for book stores, retail stores, churches, hotels, libraries and a variety of other types of businesses and non-profit organisations.

Browse our range and shop online at literature stands

Custom Printed Table Throw / Covers

table throw1

Table throws or table covers are a classic solution to give your table a nice look. Table throw is used to cover a table and is designed to be spread on a table for a variety of applications such as school functions, job fairs, hotels, trade shows and other events.

Table throws are mostly cheap and machine washable. Table throws can be customized by adding graphics, company logo, etc. They are good idea for trade shows, business conventions & storefronts.

Custom table clothes can be used for branding opportunities. By simply placing a logo on a table throw at any event you can get attention of many people that may help to establish & promote your business services. They can be available in single, or multiple colors as per your need with text & full color graphics.
Table_Throw (1)
Custom table covers are a cost-effective way to give a nice look to unattractive tables.

Table covers are a great way to cover up display tables at any event. At New York Banner Stands, we offer table throw in a variety of styles, colors, and size that will help your business stand out from the contest.

View a wide range:

Custom Event Tent


Custom Event Tents from an Established New York Business

A tent doesn't just provide a great shelter from the rain or the sun; it also provides an excellent opportunity to advertise your goods or services. We can create a tent that's perfect for your next event, trade show or convention; suitable for indoor or outdoor use, no matter what your requirements might be, we can meet them. Each tent we provide offers a great combination of practicality and aesthetic appeal, ensuring it attracts your customers as well as provides the functional shelter you're looking for.

Custom Tents for Events

Our range of tents includes a basic gazebo, which can be accessorized with walls, half-walls and flags. We can also provide the accessories that are needed to ensure your tent performs appropriately: sand bags to weight the legs in high winds; a handy carry bag to safely transport your gazebo to your chosen destination and all the hardware you need to ensure your tent stays safely upright.

Custom Event Tents Tailored to Your Business Requirements

We will work with you to create a design that showcases your business wonderfully well. Whether you provide us with pictures, text or logos that we incorporate into the final design or task our talented design team with the challenge, we will create an eye-catching image that stands out from the rest. Once you're happy with what we've produced, we will transfer the design onto the high-caliber materials that form your gazebo's canvas.

New York Company That Offers a FREE Quote on Custom Tents for Events

There are plenty of benefits in opting to use us to supply your event tents; from a FREE, no-obligation quote through to next-day delivery on most items and seven-day opening, we do everything we can to provide stunning products and exceptional customer care. To find out more about how we can help or to place an order, call us at (800) 516-7606.

Hex Clamp Only (2pcs Set)



Hex clamps work with our premium aluminum hex tent frame. These clamps are meant for use with the Flag Attachment or at each end of the Half Wall Support Pole. The 2 piece set includes 1 straight and 1 offset clamp for compatibility with our hardware.

Flag Attachment Only



The Flag Attachment works in conjunction with our Hex Clamps. This hardware allows you to connect an advertising flag directly to the Tent Hardware. The attachment is approved to use with Medium and Small Feather and Teardrop flags. (Hex clamps are not included)

Half Wall Support Pole Only



Half Wall Support Pole spans between the tent hardware and clamps to keep your Half Wall graphic straight and secure. Pole is telescopic for easy transport, expands to 10 ft for installation. (Hex clamps are not included)

Half Wall Hardware



Half Wall Support Pole spans between the tent hardware and clamps to keep your Half Wall graphic straight and secure. The pole is telescopic to fit within your carrying case with the tent hardware and extends to clamp to tent legs. Package includes 2 Hex Clamps (1 Straight and 1 Offset) to secure to tent hardware.

Flag Holder Hardware



Flag holder hardware allows you to secure your flag to the leg of our premium aluminum hex frame. Package includes metal flag adapter that fits into the base of your flag pole and two Hex Clamps (1 Straight and 1 Offset) for use on any of the four tent legs.

Sandbag (4pcs Set)



Nylon sandbags allow you to add weight for stability in all conditions. Just fill sand or other ballast and use the velcro ties to secure the saddlebag construction to the hardware legs. Each set includes 4 bags, each bag has two sand compartments.

Carrying Bag w/ Wheels

Upgrade to our Carrying Case w/ Wheels. Our premium tents are durable but heavy, this case offers multiple hands for easy maneuvering, compartment for your graphics and accessories, dual casters so you could roll effortlessly from event to event.


  • Dual hard rubber casters
  • Hardware compartment
  • Graphics and Accessories Compartment
  • Multiple handles for easy transport.

Tent Flag

Take your Event Tent to new heights with an Advertising Flag or two…or four. Born at beach events there isn’t a more dynamic branding solution than a four post tent fully adorned with flags rippling in the wind. Full color Fabric Dye-Sub flags are digitally printed single or double-sided. Our Flag Connectors are specifically engineered hex clamps that snugly fit with our heavy duty tent hardware to keep those flags flying all day long.


  • 10.5 Foot Angled Feather Flag
  • 4 oz. Polyester flag material
  • High resolution digitally printed at 720 x 720
  • Dye sublimation
  • Scratch resistant
  • Washable

Tent Half Wall (Full Color)

Half Wall Tent Graphics are versatile additions to any Event Tent setup.  They add square footage to your branding footprint, drive traffic through your preferred entry point and allow for a modular tent setups. Pick 1,2,3,4 half walls or pair them with the Full Wall for a complete tent package. The dye-sub graphics are printed on the same weather-resistant tent polyester.

Half Walls are supported with Half Wall hardware. Hardware comes with one telescopic pole and 2 Hex Clamps made specifically to attach to our Premium Aluminum Tent Hardware.


  • High resolution digitally printed at 720 x 720
  • Dye-Sublimation Graphic
  • Scratch Resistant
  • Weather Resistant
  • 340 Micron Tent Fabric


  • Half Wall: 113″w x 39″h


  • Half Wall Aluminum Hardware

Tent Full Wall (Full Color)

Full Wall Tent Graphics add the perfect backdrop for your outdoor display. Full wall graphics attach at the bottom of the canopy and extend to within 4 inches of the floor. The full color dye-sub graphic offers another dimension of event tent branding as well as a possible wind break for outdoor setups.


  • High resolution digitally printed at 720 x 720
  • Dye-Sublimation Graphic
  • Scratch Resistant
  • Weather Resistant
  • 340 Micron Tent Fabric


  • Full Wall: 113″w x 78″h


Q: Could I use full wall on all 4 sides?

A: Yes, all 4 sides of canopy included velcro to connect your full wall, so you could use it anyway you want.

Event Tent (Full Color)

Just in time for summer, the 10 foot Event Tent is the next level in outdoor advertising. Achieve 360 degrees of branding with a custom full fabric dye sub canopy and hardware package.

Canopy is printed and sewn Weather Resistant Tent Polyester. Print your brand message on each of the four peaks and valance panels. Our large format full color capabilities take artwork seam to seam unlike competitor tents that rely on small vinyl applications.

Heavy duty hex shape aluminum hardware gives the tent strength in outdoor installations. Telescopic legs allow you to adjust the height, and the interior lattice expands the tent interior with the crank of a handle. Each leg has a foot plate ready to be staked to the ground. (Ropes, stakes, and standard carrying bag included with hardware).


  • High resolution digitally printed at 720 x 720
  • Dye-Sublimation Graphic
  • Scratch Resistant
  • Weather Resistant
  • 340 Micron Tent Fabric

Size and Weight:

  • Assembled (shortest) – 120″w x 120″d x 124.5″h
  • Assembled (tallest) – 120″w x 120″d x 137″h
  • Weight – 43 lbs (Hardware)  + 8 lbs (Canopy Graphic) = 51lbs (Full Tent Package)

Optional Accessories:

  • Carrying Bag w/ Wheels
  • Sandbags


Q: Could I use different artwork for each sides?
A: Yes, simply uploader artworks for each side ABCD.


Pole Banner Set

Light Pole banners have high visual impact and citywide exposure. Take your message to the streets with these Double Sided graphics. Available in 18, 24 or 30 inches wide and up to 96 inches tall. We print in full color on your choice of 13 oz or 16 oz matte vinyl. Finished banners include 2″ inch pole pockets and a grommet at each corner seam to keep your product in place.


  • 18”, 24”, 30” inches wide. Heights available between 24” and 96”.
  • High resolution Double Sided Graphics digitally printed at 720 x 720
  • Hardware set includes 2 Fiberglass Arms, 2 Mounting Brackets and 4 Steel Bands
  • Waterproof and UV safe for outdoor installations, Windslits available for increased lifetime
  • Brass Grommets on each corner
Material Option:
  • 13 oz. Vinyl Banner
  • 16 oz. Blockout Vinyl Banner


Q: What finishing is included with the Pole Banner?
A: To conform to most City requirements we include:

  • Double Stitched Hem (free)
  • Grommet at each corner – total of 4 (free)
  • 2″ Pole pockets top and bottom (free)
  • Windslits (optional)

Q: Do you have any installation tips?
A: We suggest all grommets be used during installation to prevent damages to the banner.


15 ft. Casita Canopy Tent Full-Color UV Print Graphic Package

Casita canopies serve as an excellent way to provide shade for outdoor events. The graphic is printed on special water-resistant material and dries immediately during the even more special UV-cured printing process. Finished prints appear shiny and vivid and have added protection against natural elements.

This canopy is a standard 15 ft. x 10 ft. size with five different heights ranging from 10.5 ft. to 11.25 ft. tall. Telescopic legs snap into place. Each hex leg is 1.8 mm thick. Carry bag NOT included.

This Package Includes:

  • (1) Custom UV Canopy Graphic
  • (1) Aluminum Frame
  • (4) Bungees
  • (4) Stakes
  • (1) Nylon bag

Canopy Material:

  • Water Resistant
  • Vivid Colors
  • High quality gloss finish
  • UV Fabric

Finished Graphic Size: Front: 175″ w x 84″ h, Side: 120.25” w x 95” h


  • Backwall 175″ w x 84” h – no rail required
  • Sidewall 114.5″ w x 41.5″ h – requires 2 rails per side rail (top and bottom)


  • Pole pocket added to top of banner
  • Hemmed around side and bottom edges
  • Grommets added to vertical edge of banner

Weight: 58 lbs

Graphic Turnaround Time: 4 Business days (standard)


  • Lifetime on frame
  • One (1) year on graphic

10 ft. Casita Canopy Tent – Heavy Duty – Full-Color UV Print Graphic Package

The new Heavy Duty Casita Canopy is our toughest tent yet! Dense aluminum construction makes it sturdy and most durable, especially for outdoor use. The frame is the standard 10 ft. x 10 ft. square and offers a range of heights. Each hexagonal leg has a 50mm girth. Springs in frame add tension to graphic for perfect fit and form.

The graphic is printed on special water-resistant material and dries immediately during the even more special UV-cured printing process. Finished prints appear shiny and vivid and have added protection against natural elements. Frame includes a wheeled travel bag.

This Package Includes:

  • (1) Custom UV Canopy Graphic

  • (1) Heavy Duty Aluminum Frame

  • (1) Black wheeled travel bag

  • (4) Bungees

  • (4) Stakes

Canopy Material:

  • Water Resistant

  • Vivid Colors

  • High quality gloss finish

  • UV Fabric

Finished Graphic Size: 121.5” w x 84.25” h


  • Pole pocket added to top of banner

  • Hemmed around side and bottom edges

  • Grommets added to vertical edge of banner

Shipping Weight: 70 lbs (Frame & Bag Only)
Frame Only Weight: 65 lbs
Frame & Bag Only Weight: 66 lbs

Graphic Turnaround Time: 4 Business days (standard)


  • Lifetime on frame

  • One (1) year on graphic

10 ft. Casita Canopy Tent – Heavy Duty – Frame Only

The new Heavy Duty Casita Canopy is our toughest tent yet! Dense aluminum construction makes it sturdy and most durable, especially for outdoor use. The frame is the standard 10 ft. x 10 ft. square and offers a range of heights. Each hexagonal leg has a 50mm girth. Springs in frame add tension to graphic for perfect fit and form. Frame includes a protective travel bag.

Frame Includes:

  • (1) 10 ft. x 10 ft. aluminum frame
  • (4) Bungees
  • (4) Stakes
  • (1) Black bag with wheels

Shipping Weight: 70 lbs
Frame Only Weight: 65 lbs
Frame & Bag Only Weight: 66 lbs

Warranty: Lifetime on frame

10 ft. Casita Canopy Tent – Steel – Full-Color UV Print Graphic Package

Now choose from 3 different 10 ft. x 10 ft. tent frames: Casita Steel, Casita Heavy Duty and Casita Canopy! Graphics are printed using a UV-curing process on special water resistant material. Finished UV prints appear shiny and vivid, with added protection against natural elements.

This canopy is a standard 10 ft. x 10 ft. size with five different heights ranging from 10.5 ft. to 11.25 ft. tall. Telescopic legs snap into place. Legs on this steel frame are slimmer than the aluminum frame.


  • Square Legs have a 28mm girth
  • Steel construction weighs 60 lbs (frame only)

This Package Includes:

  • (1) Custom UV Canopy Graphic

  • (1) Steel Frame

  • (1) Black nylon carry bag

  • (4) Bungees

  • (4) Stakes

Canopy Material:

  • Water Resistant

  • Vivid Colors

  • High quality gloss finish

  • UV Fabric

Finished Graphic Size: 121.5” w x 84.25” h


  • Pole pocket added to top of banner

  • Hemmed around side and bottom edges

  • Grommets added to vertical edge of banner

Shipping Weight: 70 lbs (with graphic top)

Frame Only Weight: 54 lbs

Frame & Bag Only Weight: 57 lbs

Graphic Turnaround Time: 4 Business days (standard)


  • Lifetime on frame

  • One (1) year on graphic

10 ft. Casita Canopy – Steel – Frame Only

10 ft. Casita Canopy – Steel – Frame

Casita canopies serve as an excellent way to provide shade for outdoor events. This canopy is a standard 10 ft. x 10 ft. size frame with five different heights ranging from 10.5 ft. to 11.25 ft. tall. Telescopic legs snap into place. Legs on this steel frame are slimmer than the aluminum frame.


  • Square Legs have a 28mm girth
  • Steel construction weighs 60 lbs


  • (1) Steel Frame
  • (1) Black nylon carry bag
  • (4) Bungees
  • (4) Stakes

Shipping Weight: 59 lbs
Frame Only Weight: 54 lbs
Frame & Bag Only Weight: 57 lbs
Warranty: Lifetime on frame

10 ft. Casita Canopy Tent Full-Color Print (Top Only)

Casita canopies serve as an excellent way to provide shade for outdoor events. The graphic is printed on special water-resistant material and dries immediately during the even more special UV-cured printing process. Finished prints appear shiny and vivid and have added protection against natural elements.

This canopy tent top will fit a standard 10 ft. x 10 ft. size frame. Selecting this item will give you a custom canopy tent graphic only.

Canopy Material:

  • Water Resistant

  • Vivid Colors

  • High quality gloss finish

  • UV Fabric

Finished Graphic Size: 121.5” w x 84.25” h


  • Backwall 117" w x 79” h - requires 1 rail per backwall

  • Sidewall 114.5" w x 41.5" h - requires 2 rails per side rail (top and bottom)


  • Pole pocket added to top of banner

  • Hemmed around side and bottom edges

  • Grommets added to vertical edge of banner

Graphic Turnaround Time: 4 Business days (standard)

Warranty: One (1) year on graphic

10 ft. Casita Canopy – Aluminum – Frame Only

Casita Canopy - Aluminum Frame

Casita canopies serve as an excellent way to provide shade for outdoor events. This canopy is a standard 10 ft. x 10 ft. size frame with five different heights ranging from 10.5 ft. to 11.25 ft. tall. Telescopic legs snap into place. Each hex leg is 40 mm thick.


(1) Aluminum Frame
(1) Black nylon carry bag
(4) Bungees
(4) Stakes

Shipping Weight: 43 lbs
Frame Only Weight: 36 lbs
Frame and Bag Only Weight: 39 lbs

Warranty: Lifetime on frame

EZ Tube Displays

EZ Extend Displays

Trade Show Products

Best Sellers

Origami Truss

Add Depth and Structural Interest to Your Display with an Origami Truss System from a New York Specialist Provider

If you're at a convention or trade show and want to create a temporary interior landscape, an origami truss system could be the perfect solution. This type of system allows companies to create towers or corners, transforming their space and adding plenty of visual interest as well as opportunities for enhanced advertising.

Tower or Corner Origami Truss System Options

Our truss systems can be used to either create a tower (which provides a number of different sides on which to display information and offers a 3-D viewing experience) or a corner display. We can provide not only the basic structure, but also the printed material, offering a complete display package for a very competitive price.

New York Company Offering FREE Delivery on Your Origami Truss System

Not only do we provide extremely fast delivery, in most cases you won't have to pay for it. Our aim is always to provide our customers with the high-grade products they need, customized to their requirements, as quickly and easily as possible. To place an order or for any questions, call us at (800) 516-7606.

Origami Truss System – Backwall (Frame Only)

Introducing Origami Truss systems! Composite truss is much lighter than the typical aluminum or steel Truss on the market. One person setup time is 30-45 minutes. Truss conveniently collapses flat for super easy storage. Dye-sublimated single-sided fabric graphics are finished with ¼” pole pockets on top and bottom and connect to frame with clips. Accessorize with shelves, counter, lights, and brochure holder. Choose from 3 selections.

Origami Truss Backwall Frame Only Includes:

  • (8) 90 cm Truss Unit
  • (2) 120 cm Truss Unit
  • (4) Corner Unit
  • (6) Connector Cross
  • (2) Feet
  • (9) Top Clip
  • (9) Bottom Clip
  • (6) Pole Pocket Rod

Display size: 109"w x 96"h x 15.75"d
Warranty: One (1) year on frame

Origami Truss System – Backwall (Graphic Only)

This is the replacement graphic for the Origami Truss Backwall. Get a single-sided dye-sublimated edge-to-edge custom printed fabric graphic with this selection.

Origami Backwall Graphic Only Includes:

  • (1) Single-Sided Fabric Graphic 107.5"w x 85.5"h
  • (2) Pole Pockets (1/4" - top & bottom)

Graphic Specs: 107.5"w x 85.5"h
Warranty: One (1) year on graphics

Origami Truss System – Backwall (Graphic Package)

Introducing Origami Truss systems! Composite truss is much lighter than the typical aluminum or steel Truss on the market. One person setup time is 30-45 minutes. Truss conveniently collapses flat for super easy storage. Dye-sublimated single-sided fabric graphics are finished with ¼” pole pockets on top and bottom and connect to frame with clips. Accessorize with shelves, counter, lights, and brochure holder. Choose from 3 selections.

Origami Truss Backwall Graphic Package Includes:

  • (1) Single-Sided Fabric Graphic 107.5"w x 85.5"h
  • (8) 90 cm Truss Unit
  • (2) 120 cm Truss Unit
  • (4) Corner Unit
  • (6) Connector Cross
  • (2) Feet
  • (9) Top Clip
  • (9) Bottom Clip
  • (6) Pole Pocket Rod

Display size: 109"w x 96"h x 15.75"d
Graphic Specs: 107.5"w x 85.5"h
Warranty: One (1) year on frame & graphic

Origami Truss System -Tower (Frame Only)

Introducing Origami Truss systems! Composite truss is much lighter than the typical aluminum or steel Truss on the market. One person setup time is 30-45 minutes. Truss conveniently collapses flat for super easy storage. Dye-sublimated single-sided fabric graphics are finished with ¼” pole pockets on top and bottom and connect to frame with clips. Accessorize with shelves, counter, lights, and brochure holder. Choose from 3 selections.

Origami Truss Tower Frame Only Includes:

  • (24) 120 cm Truss Unit
  • (8) Corner Unit
  • (12) Connector Cross
  • (4) Square Feet
  • (16) Top Clip
  • (16) Bottom Clip
  • (8) Pole Pocket Rod

Display size: 60.5”w x 203.5”h x 60.5”d
Warranty: One (1) year on frame

Origami Truss System – Tower (Graphic Only)

This is the replacement graphic for the Origami Truss Tower. Get 4 single-sided dye-sublimated edge-to-edge custom printed fabric graphics with this selection.

Origami Tower Graphic Only Includes:

  • (4) Single-Sided Fabric Graphic 26.25”w x 193.5”h
  • (8) Pole Pockets (1/4" - top & bottom)

Graphic Specs: 26.25”w x 193.5”h
Warranty: One (1) year on graphics

Origami Truss System – Tower (Graphic Package)

Introducing Origami Truss systems! Composite truss is much lighter than the typical aluminum or steel Truss on the market. One person setup time is 30-45 minutes. Truss conveniently collapses flat for super easy storage. Dye-sublimated single-sided fabric graphics are finished with ¼” pole pockets on top and bottom and connect to frame with clips. Accessorize with shelves, counter, lights, and brochure holder. Choose from 3 selections.

Origami Truss Tower Graphic Package Includes:

  • (4) Single-Sided Fabric Graphic 26.25”w x 193.5”h
  • (24) 120 cm Truss Unit
  • (8) Corner Unit
  • (12) Connector Cross
  • (4) Square Feet
  • (16) Top Clip
  • (16) Bottom Clip
  • (8) Pole Pocket Rod

Display size: 60.5”w x 203.5”h x 60.5”dGraphic Specs: 26.25”w x 193.5”h
Warranty: One (1) year on frame & graphic

Origami Truss System – Corner (Frame Only)

Introducing Origami Truss systems! Composite truss is much lighter than the typical aluminum or steel Truss on the market. One person setup time is 30-45 minutes. Truss conveniently collapses flat for super easy storage. Dye-sublimated single-sided fabric graphics are finished with ¼” pole pockets on top and bottom and connect to frame with clips. Accessorize with shelves, counter, lights, and brochure holder. Choose from 3 selections.

Origami Truss Corner Frame Only Includes:

  • (15) 90 cm Truss Unit
  • (3) 120 cm Truss Unit
  • (6) Corner Unit
  • (11) Connector Cross
  • (3) Square Feet
  • (18) Top Clip
  • (18) Bottom Clip
  • (12) Pole Pocket Rod

Display size: 120”w x 96”h x 120”d
Warranty: One (1) year on frame

Origami Truss System – Corner (Graphic Only)

This is the replacement graphic for the Origami Truss Corner. Get 2 single-sided dye-sublimated edge-to-edge custom printed fabric graphics with this selection.

Origami Corner Graphic Only Includes:

  • (2) Single-Sided Fabric Graphic 107.5”w x 85.5”h
  • (4) Pole Pockets (1/4" - top & bottom)

Graphic Specs: 107.5”w x 85.5”h
Warranty: One (1) year on graphics

Origami Truss System – Corner (Graphic Package)

Introducing Origami Truss systems! Composite truss is much lighter than the typical aluminum or steel Truss on the market. One person setup time is 30-45 minutes. Truss conveniently collapses flat for super easy storage. Dye-sublimated single-sided fabric graphics are finished with ¼” pole pockets on top and bottom and connect to frame with clips. Accessorize with shelves, counter, lights, and brochure holder. Choose from 3 selections.

Origami Truss Corner Graphic Package Includes:

  • (2) Single-Sided Fabric Graphic 107.5”w x 85.5”h
  • (15) 90 cm Truss Unit
  • (3) 120 cm Truss Unit
  • (6) Corner Unit
  • (11) Connector Cross
  • (3) Square Feet
  • (18) Top Clip
  • (18) Bottom Clip
  • (12) Pole Pocket Rod

Display size: 120”w x 96”h x 120”d
Graphic Specs: 107.5”w x 85.5”h
Warranty: One (1) year on frame & graphic

Indoor Banner Stands

Outdoor Banner Stands

Banner Stands Hardware

Mondo Flagpole 13 ft. Double-Sided Graphic Package

This 13ft Mondo Banner Stand is exactly the same as the Single-Sided Graphic Package, except this choice come with a Double-Sided custom graphic. For the double-sided 13ft Mondo graphic, we print two (2) separate flags, and we place a silver-gray blocker material in the middle. All 2 pieces of fabric are sewn together to create a non-see-through double-sided banner flag.


  • Printed Banner (Double-Sided)
  • Water Base which holds up to 13 gallons of water
  • Pole with plastic end caps
  • 4 Aluminum support legs with plastic clips
  • 9 plastic ring clips
  • Base Bag (32" x 16")
  • Pole Bag (66" x 5")

Warranty: One (1) year on hardware and graphics

Weight: 30 lbs (Pole 11 lbs + Base 15 lbs + Printed Flag)

Display Size: 2.92'W x 13'H

Diameter of Base: 25"

Banner Size: 30"W x 118"H

Shipping Dimensions:
26"L x 26.25"W x 10.5"H
*Ships in 2 cases

For quantity pricing on this product, please click the slim blue rectangular button titled "View Quantity Discounts" to your right.


Credit Application

(Credit application usually takes 2-3 days for approval)

Please fax Resale Certificate to 718-247-5615.


Beginning April 1, 2010 all invoices that go beyond terms will accrue monthly finance charges assessed at an annualized rate of 20%. It is recommended that all customers applying for credit read the Terms of Use of


This form is for returns from our New York warehouse.

Banner Stand

Monthly Specials

24 in. Silverstep – Clamp Bar – Silver – 85″h Fabric Graphic Package

Step up your game with the Silverstep retractable banner stand. Reusable, the Silverstep’s durable canvas lead won’t rip on the first change out or thereafter. Moreover, the canvas lead has a velcro attachment which enables easy graphic change out. Chrome magnetic end caps make for easy-to-access side panels during graphic installation. The end caps also house the tension pin, plus add a finished, professional appearance to the Silverstep base. It’s wide aluminum base and adjustable feet provide stability. Inside the adjustable aluminum pole is a bungee cord to help guide pole set up and keep pole parts together so you won’t ever lose half of your pole.

Clamp Top Bar (Recommended)

Only covering about ⅜” of the top of the graphic, the clamp bar is our most trusted option for long-term use and perfect for hotter climates.

Velcro Top Bar

Attached on the backside of the graphic, the velcro top bar provides a clean look as it doesn’t cover any part of the artwork and works best in cooler climates.

24”w Graphic Package Includes:

  • (1) 85”h Single-Sided Fabric Graphic (installed)
  • (1) Silver Retractable Base with End Caps
  • (1) Telescopic Support Pole
  • (1) Clamp Top Bar with End Caps
  • (1) Silverstep Travel Bag


Material: Banner Fabric (Fab Ban)

Print Process: Full-Color Dye Sublimation

Warranty: Lifetime on hardware; one (1) year on graphics

Stand Size: 25.5”W x 3”H x 9.5”D

Shipping Dimensions: (1) box 6”L x 13”W x 29”H

Shipping Weight: 13 lbs

Artwork Size: 24”W x 85”H (we will add a 6” bleed at the bottom)

Suggested Uses: Retail Stores, Malls, Kiosks, Restaurants, Art Galleries, Grand Openings, Trade Shows, Offices, Showrooms, Etc.  

Hardware Setup: Place the base on the ground, assemble telescopic pole, pull out graphics and affix to pole. Stickers on base and pole help guide banner set up.

31.5 in. Econoroll Retractable – 80″h Hybrid Graphic Package

The Econoroll packs great value into an easy-to-use durable and attractive stand.

Display Total Height: 82″
Base Size: 34″W x 3.5″H x 3.5″D (15″D with feet)

Finished in anodized aluminum and heavy-duty plastic end plates. Banner attached by clamp bar on top and double stick tape on the bottom.

Aluminum base
Support pole
Top Clamp Bar
Support Pole w/ Hook
Econo travel bag (36″ x 4″ x 4″)

Graphic Materials: Hybrid Vinyl

Template Size: 31.5″ W x 80″ H

33.5 in. Econoroll Retractable – Black – 80″h Hybrid Graphic Package

The Econoroll packs great value into an easy-to-use durable and attractive stand.

Display Total Height: 82″
Base Size: 34″W x 3.5″H x 3.5″D (15″D with feet)

Finished in anodized aluminum and heavy-duty plastic end plates. Banner attached by clamp bar on top and double stick tape on the bottom.


  • Aluminum base
  • Support pole
  • Top Clamp Bar
  • Econo travel bag (35.5″ x 4″ x 4″)

Graphic Materials: Hybrid Vinyl

Template Size: 33.5″ W x 80″ H

36 in. Econoroll Retractable – 80″h Hybrid Graphic Package

The Econoroll packs great value into an easy-to-use durable and attractive stand.

Display Total Height: 82″
Base Size: 37″W x 3.5″H x 3.5″D (15″D with feet)

Finished in anodized aluminum and heavy-duty plastic end plates. Banner attached by clamp bar on top and double stick tape on the bottom.


  • Aluminum base
  • Support pole
  • Top Clamp Bar
  • Econo travel bag (36.5″ x 4″ x 4″)

Graphic Materials: Hybrid Vinyl

Template Size: 36″ W x 80″ H

10 ft. Casita Canopy Tent – Aluminum – Full-Color UV Print Graphic Package

Casita canopies serve as an excellent way to provide shade for outdoor events. The graphic is printed on special water-resistant material and dries immediately during the even more special UV-cured printing process. Finished prints appear shiny and vivid and have added protection against natural elements.

This canopy is a standard 10 ft. x 10 ft. size with five different heights ranging from 10.5 ft. to 11.25 ft. tall. Telescopic legs snap into place. Each hex leg is 40 mm thick.


  • Hexagonal legs have a 40mm girth
  • Aluminum construction weighs 43 lbs

This Package Includes:

  • (1) Custom UV Canopy Graphic
  • (1) Aluminum Frame
  • (1) Black nylon carry bag
  • (4) Bungees
  • (4) Stakes

Canopy Material:

  • Water Resistant
  • Vivid Colors
  • High quality gloss finish
  • UV Fabric
  • Finished Graphic Size: 121.5” w x 84.25” h


  • Backwall 117" w x 79” h - requires 1 rail per backwall
  • Sidewall 114.5" w x 41.5" h - requires 2 rails per side rail (top and bottom)


  • Pole pocket added to top of banner
  • Hemmed around side and bottom edges
  • Grommets added to vertical edge of banner
  • Shipping Weight: 43 lbs (Frame & Bag Only)
  • Frame Only Weight: 36 lbs
  • Frame & Bag Only Weight: 39 lbs
  • Graphic Turnaround Time: 4 Business days (standard)

Lifetime on frame
One (1) year on graphic

33.5 in. Econoroll Retractable – Silver – 80″h Hybrid Graphic Package

The Econo Roll packs great value into an easy-to-use durable and attractive stand.

Display Total Height: 82″
Base Size: 34″W x 3.5″H x 3.5″D (15″D with feet)
Graphic Materials: Hybrid Vinyl
Template Size: 33.5″ W x 80″ H

Finished in anodized aluminum and heavy-duty plastic end plates. Banner attached by clamp bar on top and double stick tape on the bottom.


  • Aluminum base
  • Support pole
  • Top Clamp Bar
  • Econo travel bag (35.5″ x 4″ x 4″)

Best Sellers

Custom Printed Flags

Car Magnets / Magnetic Signs

Our magnet sheet uses a high quality 30 mil material with a smooth surface for best color printing. Best suited for car door signage, it also serves as temporary signage for construction sites or other quick-changing work environments.


  • Maximum Size: 24″ High X 60″ Wide
  • Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Printed on one side only.
  • Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Waterproof and UV safe that will last for years

Material Options:

  • 30 mil. Gloss Magnet
  • 30 mil. Matte Magnet

File Specifications:

  • Accepted File Formats: .TIF, .TIFF, .EPS, .AI, .PSD, .JPG, .PNG & .PDF.
  • Make your artwork in the exact size that you are ordering. No bleed, No crop marks.
  • All fonts must be outlined. If using Photoshop, please provide a flattened file only.
  • We suggest 150 dpi resolution at 100% of the final print size.

Explanation of Turnaround Time:

Turnaround time begins when the proof is approved. All times are based on normal business days, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Please note this does not include shipping time.

Next Day Order:

  • Shipping Orders:If a file is uploaded on a business day BEFORE 12 noon PST, then the order will be shipped on the following business day. (If there is a problem with the file, it won’t be shipped the next day.)
  • Store Pick-up:If a file is uploaded on a business day BEFORE 12 noon PST, then the order will be available for pick-up on the following business day after 4:00 p.m. PST. (If there is a problem with the file, it won’t be ready for pick-up the next day.) You will receive an email notification if the order is ready earlier.

Files uploaded after 12:00 noon PST will be shipped or available for pick-up in two (2) business days.

  • Order 24/7 Online Design Center or Upload File.
  • We use 30 mil Magnum flexible magnetic sheeting
  • We use materials made in the USA.
  • We print all of our products in-house.
  • No middle man or outsourcing Vector Format EPS, AI, PDF files (font outlined) in any size (proportional to graphic ordered).
  • Our bumper magnets are hand cut to ensure accuracy and asthetics Image file would be best at 100% scale at 300 dpi.

Car Door Magnets

Car Door Magnets


  • Order 24/7 Online Design Center or Upload File.
  • We use 30 mil Magnum flexible magnetic sheeting
  • We use materials made in the USA.
  • We print all of our products in-house.
  • No middle man or outsourcing Vector Format EPS, AI, PDF files (font outlined) in any size (proportional to graphic ordered).
  • Our bumper magnets are hand cut to ensure accuracy and asthetics Image file would be best at 100% scale at 300 dpi.

See Thru Decal



  • No minimum order.
  • Order 24/7 Online Design Center or Upload File.
  • We use 6 mil perforated adhesive
  • We use materials made in the USA.
  • Our full color quality custom vinyl banners are durable, water and UV resistant.
  • We design and print all of our products in-house.
  • No middle man or outsourcing
  • We offer 1 day turnaround time.
  • Most orders ship on same day & large volume orders will take additional days.
  • We ship direct from New York.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Vector Format EPS, AI, PDF files (font outlined) in any size (proportional to graphic ordered). Raster (pixel based photo) JPG or PSD (flattened) image file would be best at 100% scale at 150 dpi.

Kiss-Cut Stickers



  • No mininum order.
  • Order 24/7 Online Design Center or Upload File.
  • We use Oracal 4 mil adhesive vinyl material
  • We use materials made in the USA.
  • Our full color quality custom vinyl banners are durable, water and UV resistant.
  • We design and print all of our products in-house.
  • No middle man or outsourcing
  • We offer 1 day turnaround time.
  • Most orders ship on same day & large volume orders will take additional days.
  • We ship direct from New York.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Vector Format EPS, AI, PDF files (font outlined) in any size (proportional to graphic ordered). Raster (pixel based photo) JPG or PSD (flattened) image file would be best at 100% scale at 150 dpi.

Bumper Stickers


  • No mininum order.
  • Order 24/7 Online Design Center or Upload File.
  • We use Oracal 4 mil adhesive vinyl material
  • We use materials made in the USA.
  • Our full color quality custom vinyl banners are durable, water and UV resistant.
  • We design and print all of our products in-house.
  • No middle man or outsourcing
  • We offer 1 day turnaround time.
  • Most orders ship on same day & large volume orders will take additional days.
  • We ship direct from New York.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Vector Format EPS, AI, PDF files (font outlined) in any size (proportional to graphic ordered). Raster (pixel based photo) JPG or PSD (flattened) image file would be best at 100% scale at 150 dpi.

White Signicade Deluxe Coroplast Swap out Graphics

The Signicade Deluxe is the ultimate sidewalk advertising solution for those that need quick change graphics. The heavy-duty plastic sandwich board has two recessed 24×36 inch recessed graphic areas on the front and back. Coroplast mounted vinyl graphics slide easily into place for full color signage, swap out these rigid signboard inserts as often as you need.

Graphic Material :

  • 4 mm White Coroplast
  • Permanent Adhesive Vinyl
  • Protective Matte Lamination (Free)
Product Details :
  • Product Dimensions: 45”H X 25”W x 3”D
  • Graphic Dimensions: 36”H x 24” W
  • Weight: 19 lbs

Black Signicade Deluxe Coroplast Swap out Graphics

The Signicade Deluxe is the ultimate sidewalk advertising solution for those that need quick change graphics. The heavy-duty plastic sandwich board has two recessed 24×36 inch recessed graphic areas on the front and back. Coroplast mounted vinyl graphics slide easily into place for full color signage, swap out these rigid signboard inserts as often as you need.

Graphic Material :

  • 4 mm White Coroplast
  • Permanent Adhesive Vinyl
  • Protective Matte Lamination (Free)
Product Details :
  • Product Dimensions: 45”H X 25”W x 3”D
  • Graphic Dimensions: 36”H x 24” W
  • Weight: 19 lbs

Signicade A-Frame

Signicade A-Frame

Signicade A-Frame

This heavy-duty plastic A-frame is the perfect solution for sidewalk advertising. The frame can be filled with sand or water for greater stability. The double sided hardware includes regressed sign area that helps to protect sign faces. Up to two graphic prints with matte lamination are available at no additional cost.

Graphic Material:

  • 4 mil. Permanent Adhesive Vinyl (Free)
  • Matte Lamination (Free)

Product Details:

  • Product Dimensions: 45”H X 25”W x 3”D
  • Graphic Dimensions: 36”H x 24” W
  • Weight: 19 lbs

See Also:


  • Q: Would free graphic(s) installed on hardware?
  • A: All free graphic(s) are installed, and ready to use.

Making Turnaround Times

1. Submit Your Art File

12pm-pst uploadfiles

Submit your art file by noon (12:00pm PT).

2. File Check & Proof File


Preview your files, create your proof and Email your proof to you.

3. Approve Proof

3pm-pst approved

Send your "Graphic Proof Approval" reply via Email by 3:00pm PT*. Replying by 3:00pm will allow your project to start the NEXT business day. (Non-written approvals are NOT accepted; approvals MUST be emailed back to the graphic designer!)

4. Start Printing


First business day of production starts the day after you approve by 3:00.

* Due to current workload, we are accepting Graphic Proof Approvals until 5:00pm PT.


Regular Business Day Production (Approve before 3pm)

Uploaded files: MONDAY 12:20pm PT
Approved Proof: TUESDAY 2:30pm PT
Production Starts: WEDNESDAY

Regular Business Day Production (Approve after 3pm)

Uploaded files: MONDAY 12:20pm PT
Approved Proof: TUESDAY 4:30pm PT
Production Starts: THURSDAY

Next Business Day Production

Uploaded files: MONDAY 12:00pm PT
Approved Proof: MONDAY 3:00pm PT
Production Starts: TUESDAY

PMS Color Match

*Printing actual PANTONE colors is NOT included.
Color Matching or Hard Proofs add a day to the production turn time.
We cannot color match textures or gradients.



Price will be per color / material
Please call us for more details.



Acceptable Files for Printing








Adobe Illustrator


Adobe Photoshop

Graphic Service Price

$65 per hour

Estimated design time will be provided to you prior to start of your project. The following are what we have done for our customer's pop up displays as examples.


  • Express 1-hour Design
  • Simple layout & Typesetting
  • Vector base graphics (Customer must supply vector base graphics: logo, image and text)


  • Custom Design (3 hours)
  • Layout & Typesetting
  • Simple photo editing which includes cropping and color adjusting


  • Custom Design (7 hours)
  • Layout & Typesetting
  • Photo editing which includes cropping, color adjusting, and cloning.
  • Creating vector elements

Graphic Tips

Tips for Photoshop

Photoshop Users

Whether you use our templates or you create your own document, please make sure the dimension of your file is the exact size of the finished size.

Image Resolution

Photos and graphics need to be 125 DPI at full size

In Photoshop, you can go to

  1. IMAGE

to find out your file resolution.




Determine Image Quality from Source

  • Good Quality:
  • High resolution / high quality stock photography
  • High resolution / high quality scanner
  • Low Quality:
  • Screen capture of video frame
  • Low resolution / low quality stock photography
  • Image lifted off a web-page



Why 125 DPI?

Since your banner will be a large format print, you don't need to prepare your file in 300 DPI which is usually used for smaller format print.

If you are uncertain of the quality of your images, please call us at 1-800-516-7606 or email us at

Color Mode

Your file has to be in CMYK mode.

  1. IMAGE
  2. MODE
  3. CMYK

RGB        CMYK

Tips for Illustrator

Illustrator Users

Image Resolution

Your images (any graphics that are not vector) need to be 125 DPI at full size.

Determine Image Quality from Source

  • Good Quality:
  • High resolution/high quality stock photography
  • High resolution/high quality scanner
  • Low Quality:
  • Screen capture of video frame
  • Low resolution/low quality stock photography
  • Image lifted off a web-page



Why 125 DPI?

Since your banner will be a large format print, you don't need to prepare your file in 300 DPI which is usallly used for smaller format print.

If you are uncertain of the quatlity of your images, please call us at 1-800-516-7606 or email us at

Color Mode

Your file has to be in CMYK mode.










Convert all your text outlined.

*If your text are not created outlined, font shift might occur.


When you are done with the design, save the file in EPS format.

If you have extra graphics outside of the finished size area, create a crop area with the exact size of finishing size before saving.

If you need our graphic designers to modify your art work, send us your original Illustrator file(s).

(Graphic modification - $65 per hour. Please call for estimated time.)

you are amost done!

Before you upload the file(s) to us, open the EPS file you just saved.

Review all the graphics/text and make sure the dimension is right.

If you are satisfied with what you see, please UPLOAD FILES with your contact and order information.

Bumper Magnets


Our magnet sheet uses a high quality 30 mil material with a smooth surface for best color printing. Best suited for car door signage, it also serves as temporary signage for construction sites or other quick-changing work environments.


  • Maximum Size: 24″ High X 60″ Wide
  • Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Printed on one side only.
  • Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Waterproof and UV safe that will last for years

Material Options:

  • 30 mil. Gloss Magnet
  • 30 mil. Matte Magnet

File Specifications:

  • Accepted File Formats: .TIF, .TIFF, .EPS, .AI, .PSD, .JPG, .PNG & .PDF.
  • Make your artwork in the exact size that you are ordering. No bleed, No crop marks.
  • All fonts must be outlined. If using Photoshop, please provide a flattened file only.
  • We suggest 150 dpi resolution at 100% of the final print size.

Explanation of Turnaround Time:

Turnaround time begins when the proof is approved. All times are based on normal business days, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Please note this does not include shipping time.

Next Day Order:

  • Shipping Orders:If a file is uploaded on a business day BEFORE 12 noon PST, then the order will be shipped on the following business day. (If there is a problem with the file, it won’t be shipped the next day.)
  • Store Pick-up:If a file is uploaded on a business day BEFORE 12 noon PST, then the order will be available for pick-up on the following business day after 4:00 p.m. PST. (If there is a problem with the file, it won’t be ready for pick-up the next day.) You will receive an email notification if the order is ready earlier.

Files uploaded after 12:00 noon PST will be shipped or available for pick-up in two (2) business days.

  • Order 24/7 Online Design Center or Upload File.
  • We use 30 mil Magnum flexible magnetic sheeting
  • We use materials made in the USA.
  • We print all of our products in-house.
  • No middle man or outsourcing Vector Format EPS, AI, PDF files (font outlined) in any size (proportional to graphic ordered).
  • Our bumper magnets are hand cut to ensure accuracy and asthetics Image file would be best at 100% scale at 300 dpi.

Oval Sticker


  • No mininum order.
  • Order 24/7 Online Design Center or Upload File.
  • We use Oracal 4 mil adhesive vinyl material
  • We use materials made in the USA.
  • Our full color quality custom vinyl banners are durable, water and UV resistant.
  • We design and print all of our products in-house.
  • No middle man or outsourcing
  • We offer 1 day turnaround time.
  • Most orders ship on same day & large volume orders will take additional days.
  • We ship direct from New York.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Vector Format EPS, AI, PDF files (font outlined) in any size (proportional to graphic ordered). Raster (pixel based photo) JPG or PSD (flattened) image file would be best at 100% scale at 150 dpi.

Round/Circle Sticker

  • No mininum order.
  • Order 24/7 Online Design Center or Upload File.
  • We use Oracal 4 mil adhesive vinyl material
  • We use materials made in the USA.
  • Our full color quality custom vinyl banners are durable, water and UV resistant.
  • We design and print all of our products in-house.
  • No middle man or outsourcing
  • We offer 1 day turnaround time.
  • Most orders ship on same day & large volume orders will take additional days.
  • We ship direct from New York.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Vector Format EPS, AI, PDF files (font outlined) in any size (proportional to graphic ordered). Raster (pixel based photo) JPG or PSD (flattened) image file would be best at 100% scale at 150 dpi.

8′ x 8′ Fabric Step and Repeat Banner

Picture yourself at a movie premiere. What do you see? The lights, the camera, the red carpets, the stars and the thing behind it all: the step and repeat backdrop. Perfect for formal black tie affairs, the step and repeat backdrop has been a staple of all red carpet events. A custom Step and Repeat Backdrop Banner is a great way to make your event memorable.

The Custom Step and Repeat backdrop can help you create the perfect photos set up like a Hollywood star. You can promote your business, show appreciation to your sponsors; take your event to the next level! Our Step and Repeat Backdrop is matte-finished which helps to reduce the glare from photos. Although you see the step and repeat backdrops at formal red carpet events, that does not mean it is limited to just that. Our Custom Step and Repeat Backdrop Banners are perfect for all kinds of events whether its for a wedding, birthday, graduation party. Our Custom Step and Repeat Banner can be customized to any arrangement. Create a photo backdrop that you can use to commemorate the event and create lasting photos that you can keep for a lifetime.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

General guidelines:

  • We use premium 8 oz. polyester fabric material with a matte finish on our custom step and repeat backdrops.
  • We print full color CMYK digital printing that is durable, water resistant and UV resistant.
  • We design and print all of our products in-house. No middle man or outsourcing.
  • We pass the savings onto you! We can print sizes up to 8 ft. x 150 ft. seamless.
  • We ship our step and repeat backdrops in a tube.
  • Your banner is never folded and this is done to eliminate creases.
  • All our backdrops include free hem and grommets.
  • You can add a pole pocket to your custom step and repeat backdrop at no additional charges.
  • Please choose the pole pocket option for your finishing option.
  • We highly recommend “Pole Pockets (Top and Bottom) if you will be ordering an 8′ x 8′ or 10′ x 8′ adjustable telescopic banner stand.
  • We offer a 1-day turnaround. We ship your order within 1 business day.
  • Most orders ship on same day. Large volume orders can take additional time.
  • Our custom step and repeat banners are good for red carpet events, trade shows, birthdays, weddings, graduations and much more…
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Please send your artwork in a vector format EPS, AI, PDF (outlined).
  • Any raster (pixel based photo) JPG or PSD (flattened) image file would be best at 100% scale at 100 dpi.
  • For individual logos, we recommend that each logo is at least 1000px wide.
  • This is just a general guideline. Your logos may or may not work even if it is 1000 px wide!
  • We will check your artwork and let you know at no additional cost.
  • Order today and see how we can help you create a celebration that all of your guests will remember.

Adhesive Banners / Window Decals

  • No mininum order.
  • Order 24/7 Online Design Center or Upload File.
  • We use Oracal 4 mil adhesive vinyl material
  • We use materials made in the USA.
  • Our full color quality custom vinyl banners are durable, water and UV resistant.
  • We design and print all of our products in-house.
  • No middle man or outsourcing
  • Any sizes up to 4ft by 150ft seamless.
  • We welcome larger banner sizes as well.
  • We offer 1 day turnaround time.
  • Most orders ship on same day & large volume orders will take additional days.
  • We ship direct from New York.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Vector Format EPS, AI, PDF files (font outlined) in any size (proportional to graphic ordered). Raster (pixel based photo) JPG or PSD (flattened) image file would be best at 100% scale at 150 dpi.